Debt vs Equity: Which is better to fund a start-up?

Philip Keezer
3 min readAug 9, 2022


Money and investment are always a big part of the start-up journey and two common approaches to this are raising finance through debt or, by giving away equity in your business in return for investment.

Both options have their pros and cons, but which is right for you? This is a difficult question and much will depend on each business’ individual circumstances. Here, we compare and contrast debt and equity financing and discuss when each might be the best option.

Debt financing

Debt financing is borrowing money from lenders to finance the operations and growth of the company. The business agrees to repay the lender with interest over a set period in exchange for the loan.

Pros of debt financing

Debt financing is an excellent option for businesses that want to maintain full control over their equity. With debt financing, businesses are only responsible for repaying the loan and don’t have to give up any equity to the lender. This can be a good option for businesses with a solid plan to repay the loan and means an entrepreneurs doesn’t have to give up any ownership stake in the company.

Debt financing provides more flexibility for a business than equity financing. For example, businesses can choose the terms of their loans, including the repayment schedule. This can give businesses more control over their cash flow. Additionally, debt financing can be used to finance a wide variety of business activities, including expansions, acquisitions, and research and development.

Cons of debt financing

If your business cannot generate enough revenue to cover the cost of the debt, the high-interest rates can eat into your profit margins, making it difficult to expand your business or keep it afloat in tough economic times. Additionally, if you default on your debt payments, your business could be subject to seizure by creditors. This could mean the loss of your assets and the end of your business. And, in a high-inflation environment where interest rates on loans are going north, taking on further debt is a risky venture.

Equity financing

Equity financing involves selling a portion of ownership in the company in exchange for capital to fund operations, expansion, or other needs. This can be done at all stages of the business cycle. From the small start-up looking for an initial investment, through to the big corporate floating on a public exchange through an initial public offering (IPO), in which the company sells shares to the public for the first time.

Pros of equity financing

Equity financing is less risky for start-ups and small businesses compared to debt financing. With equity financing, you give up a portion of ownership in your company in exchange for capital. If your company fails, you will not be liable for the debt. Additionally, venture capitalists or business angels may bring new skills and knowledge to the table to help your business grow. This can be a great way to get new ideas and perspectives on running your business and taking it to the next level.

Cons of equity financing

Entrepreneurs should be aware of a few potential drawbacks to equity financing.

First, giving up equity in your company means relinquishing some degree of control and ownership. This can lead to conflicts between you and other shareholders down the road. Secondly, equity financing can dilute an existing shareholder’s ownership stake by issuing new shares. Finally, equity financing can be expensive and time-consuming to raise, particularly if you need to bring on new investors.


Debt funding gives the company a set amount of money that must be paid back, with interest, over a set period. This can be a good option for companies with a solid business plan and confidence in their ability to repay the loan.

Equity funding, on the other hand, means selling a portion of the company in exchange for investment. This can be a good option for companies looking for long-term investments and are willing to give up some control of the company.

Ultimately, the best option for funding a start-up depends on your company’s needs and goals.

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Philip Keezer

I’m Philip J. Keezer, president and founder of management consulting firm Grindstone Capital. Dedicated to hard work, learning, positivity and accountability.